
Meals are provided by Courbevoie Town Hall and supervision during this period is provided by APPLD’s after-school care provider, Ligue92.

Therefore, in order to have lunch for your children at the canteen you must :

  • have your account created on Courbevoie Espace Famille and registrer your kid for lunch for the day/s you need 
  • register with Ligue92 for supervision and activities during lunch break before the beginning of the school year

You can register your child(ren) to attend the canteen for lunch each day of the week.



In the event of a planned absence or a of sick leave of a child, the family can modify directly on Courbevoie Espace Famille the reservation for the canteen, at the latest the day before. If the absence is not reported in due time, the service will be invoiced. The cancellation on Courbevoie Espace Famille will be automatically cancel the registration on Ligue92 portail too.



The meals are invoiced by Courbevoie Town Hall. Payments have to be done monthly through the family account on Courbevoie Espace Famille

The supervision during lunch break is invoiced monthly by Ligue92